
Hidden Downside To Wearing Your Smart Ring on the Wrong Finger

Smart rings are incredible little devices that can perform many of the same functions as their larger counterparts, like smartwatches. The technology is constantly improving with features such as better sensors and longer battery life. These facts, combined with their small sizes, make smart rings ideal for many users.

But I’ve heard many people ask, which finger is best to wear a smart ring on? Is one finger better than another for the purposes of sensors or comfort?

A hand sporting a sleek black smart ring on the index finger against a dark background

Key Takeaways

  • The finger you wear your smart ring on doesn’t matter too much.
  • The sensors will work equally well on any finger.
  • Comfort, safety, and social conventions are the only factors to consider.

On Which Finger Should You Wear Your Smart Ring?

To determine which finger (if any) is best for your smart ring, we must consider it from a few different angles.

Smart Ring Requirements

Smart rings don’t generally work better on one finger than any other. All the sensors will work the same. Even a smart ring with a heart rate monitor doesn’t require a specific finger to function properly. So, if your concern is inaccurate sensor readings and health data, you can rest assured that there’s nothing to be concerned about in that regard.

Comfort and Safety

These are technically two separate topics, but they are closely related. As with any ring, a smart ring must be comfortable. This means you should find a finger that’s the perfect fit for your smart ring. It’s also important to consider how easily you can access controls or screens, if there are any.

If you do work that requires lots of manual labor, include that in your consideration. Hammers or other tools could damage the ring or even cause the ring to crush your fingers. This is especially true in the case of your little finger, which is smaller and more susceptible to injuries such as ring avulsion, which is what happened to Jimmy Fallon.

Even though people seem to prefer to wear their smart rings on their little fingers, it’s not necessarily the safest option, but that is entirely up to you.

Social Conventions and Norms

This is probably a less important aspect, but we should still consider it within the context of the society we live in.

Rings have certain meanings in all social groups and communities. For example, a ring on the ring finger of the left hand usually indicates a romantic commitment such as engagement or marriage. Many people consider a ring on the little finger a sign of wealth or status in a community, which could cause conflict with others who wear it.

It’s easy to misinterpret a smart ring worn on a certain finger, but that’s true of any ring. Only you will know if your community will have any problems if you wear your smart ring on a certain finger, and only you can decide if that really matters to you.


There are no technical reasons to wear your smart ring on one finger rather than the other. Its sensors will work equally well on all of them. The primary consideration is your comfort. But you should also keep in mind that the little finger can be more prone to injury than other fingers, and think about any mixed signals your finger of choice might send to the people around you.